Employers & clients

PB consultant profile 2023

  • Building the Links for Rockingham Forest
  • Southport Townscape Heritage project
  • Rediscovering the Underbanks Townscape Heritage Project (Stockport MBC)
  • The Wildlife Trusts
  • The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Art
  • Mansfield Townscape Heritage Project
  • University of Glasgow
  • Buxton Museum & Art Gallery
  • GEM (Group for Education in Museums)
  • Singapore Art Museum
  • Memories at Old Ford Factory (Singapore)
  • Sheffield Industrial Museums Trust 
  • IWM North
  • The Manchester Museum 
  • People’s History Museum
  • Bolton Museums, Art Gallery & Aquarium 
  • Hallé Concerts Society
  • Manchester City Galleries 
  • Saddleworth Museum & Art Gallery 
  • MOSI (The Museum of Science & Industry in Manchester) 
  • The National Coalmining Museum for England
  • The Whitworth Art Gallery 
  • Towneley Hall, Burnley 
  • Calderdale MBC Museums & Arts Division
  • Steinhart Aquarium, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco